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Not If But When

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A while ago I read a post on this forum about running over items such as pins or rulers with the longarm.  One poster said, "it isn't a matter of if, it is a matter of when."  Well, today was my turn!! :( I was much, much closer to the pins on the zipper than I knew (wasn't paying attention I guess) and the next thing I heard was this terrible "clunk" , broke the needle and things came to a grinding halt!  My handyman was out in the garage, I had to don snow boots (yes, we have another six inches of new snow) to go find him for help re-timing the machine.  All is well now, maybe I will finish that quilt tomorrow!

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ROFL Shirley, is That what it scares out of us??  I thought it was,  well, nm.


Yep it does scare one badly.  I hit a ruler the other day and was luck enough to

have my hand on it, so it only hit twice.


Didn't knock anything out or into the bad zone.


After doing the timing a few times it does get a lot easier.


I can do it myself now.



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