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Laser Light on my Millennium

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I work full time and do most of my quilting on the weekend. I have a quilt that a friend has made bigger for her grandson, all it needs is the new borders quilted. I had set the quilt up yesterday, and wanted to complete it today. I was able to get two rows in, when something fell out of the laser light.
I had this happen to me on the long weekend, same thing, one border completed, 3 more to go. When it happened the first time, I talked to Amy and she told me to put the small metal piece back into the ..... I did and we fixed it on the spot. Well as would have it, I did not get back to quilting today. And thought I can get this done and back to my friend this week. I am so frustrated. I cannot get it to fit properly back into the area that it should be in and I have no reference to how it should look. Consequently, I won't be able to get it done, because I am in the middle of a row, I am stuck until I get the light fixed. The last time I just winged it because I was in a hurry, but I would like to get this done correctly.

Does anyone have a picture of what the laser light looks like taken apart. The piece that is coming out is in the area that plugs into the cord . It is small metal piece which hooks over something. Thanks for letting me vent. 

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my little 9 inch old set up had a laser light that was not run by machine....it just used batteries....could you for a quick fix, just go get a battery run laser light and fasten it to the machine?  Maybe attach it with tape to the laser light not working...should work for a temporary fix...I think if you can't get the other one to work....Lin

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