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thread choice for black border &SID

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Don't seem to be able to post a pic so will try to describe  quilt  for thread suggestions..

Quilt has 3 borders   black 4in ,pieced 2in (same scrappy fabrics used around sheep), & another black slightly narrower inner border. Quilt is appliqued with sheep  in light prints on scrappy print backgrounds  . Plan to do sheep in  various swirls(wooly  ) designs in    neutrals  . Backing is light . A soft gold seems to blend well with fabrics in top to do backgrounds & works with crème   in bobbin   that  I am  using  in sheep.

Tried black in top /bobbin   for SID & was going to use in border but did not look GOOD!!!!  &   to many pokies when tried  with  light bobbin.

Think doing SID on all  borders would  stabilize and add to finished look   just seem to be  having a hard time with thread choice.

Was thinking of doing a simple  loop design in borders to go with  woolly  look in sheep?

I read & have learned so much   on this forum but haven 't posted a lot. Seems  like I recall posting awhile back  asking for suggestion on an applique top.

 This probably     sounds like I FEEL    (SCATTERED)  lol--  Trying hard to get  back into my quilting    after several losses in my family in the last year and a half. Just seems hard sometimes to  make  simple decisions   but such good therapy    it is !!

Sun is shining in Wi. ,hope it is where you are.

Pat K

GC+ /Wi.



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Hi Pat, since it's a kids quilt, I'd love to put glow in the dark thread on it.   lol,

or the halogen thread.  Hmm.. forgot I have that.


I'd probably pick a gold color just a bit brighter than the background, so

it shows, but doesn't shout out,  It sounds like a real cute quilt.   HeidiM

posted a lesson, a short page that is, on how to post picts here from Flicker.

Will look forward to a pict when you are done. 



Easy to follow.. lol, at least as far as I went with a time shortage.



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thanks Rita         .Actually this  is fo r customers guest room.Her children showed sheep in 4H   so she has been working  on it a long time.

Posting pics   tho EASY they say     is a challenge  .My husband would  tease its because I'm lefthanded  LOL .Mayb can get someone to help me when time permits.Probably could figure out but feeling stressed on time  after 3wks of fighting a viral pneumonia      ---rarely get sick but this one got me !        

again thanks for your reply.



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If I am understanding your issue, the problem is the back of the quilt, not the front.  I match my bottom thread to the top thread, always.  As another quilter once told me, if they don't like the look of the dark thread on the back of the quilt, they need to make better backing fabric choices.  Also, you think the quilt back looks bad because you are 6 inches away from it.  A customer thinks it looks wonderful because they are viewing it from two feet away.   Try what Heidi suggests with the gray thread on the back.  That should soften the appearance enough that you can live with it, and I doubt the customer will object, once she is given the education on pokies, tension, etc.


If the customer states "Quilter X can use two different threads..."  I suggest they take future projects to Quilter X.  Life is too short to agonize over this problem.

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thanks Heidi and Lynn for your help.  Feeling    better  and   am off and running now  .Decided on soft gold that blends well with other fabrics   so will only have to change color for sheep  but will keep  grey   in mind for future  tops.  

Feels good to  be  getting something done.

Enjoy the members on this forum    and   really appreciate the feedback.


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thanks so much Rita .We lost our son in th eline of duty as a Firefighter on 3/4/12,my sister in April and Mom in August  . Faith ,Family & Friends   help us face each day.    .Quilting is  wonderful therapy .My son used to pop in ,I would hear him coming up the steps to my sewing room &   and say "hey Mom  what   you doing  up there"-miss him every day   !

Appreciate  your concern .

Blessings back

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