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Christmas PJ's

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So frustrated.  The jammies were supposed to be delivered Thursday and they still are not delivered.  DIL is headed to her mother's already so unless they get delivered today they won't have them for Christmas  :angry: .  Son is working will check when he goes home tonight.  I pray they get them because I need something to put a smile on my face!  MIL fell again and this time did it good.  She isn't moving in with us but we're having to go live with her.  I just want to sit and cry for a few hours.  Maybe that will make me feel better.

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Prayers for you and Mark, Heidi,  I am just... well.... angry that just about the time you

get life squared away as much as you can, she had to have an accident.    How do you

mean you have to live with her?   I'm not understanding that statement.

As you said,  Do not let her move in with you..   it would be worse than before, and

she would make  sure of that!


A good cry might be a good idea, help relieve the tensions..  God Bless!



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Prayers for you and Mark, Heidi,  I am just... well.... angry that just about the time you

get life squared away as much as you can, she had to have an accident.    How do you

mean you have to live with her?   I'm not understanding that statement.

As you said,  Do not let her move in with you..   it would be worse than before, and

she would make  sure of that!


A good cry might be a good idea, help relieve the tensions..  God Bless!





We couldn't leave her alone even though she thought we could.  She was on pain killers that can make her unsteady and besides that she wasn't able to get around real well without the pain pills.  Mark has stayed with her the last two days so that is what I mean by moving in with her.  I was going to go last night but Mark insisted that he stay, who am I to argue?  LOL  The first night as I was trying to help her walk right with the walker, leading with her good leg not her bad leg, she kept telling me she couldn't do it.  I said, "Yes you can."  After the third time she looked at me and said, "Your mean."  I said, "yup I am."  LOL that was the worst she was other than telling us she didn't need us there.  We left to go get dinner and told her we'd come back in 45 min. and she told me to just call.  I said no we need to see you being able to function.  She was not happy.  When I came back she was still on the couch and she had been trying to get up for 15 min.  She hated to admit that I was right.  LOL  she actually has said that about 3 or 4 times and I know that just kills her.  We will take care of her because we feel obligated but we will not ever move her in with us again.  I would never survive that again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

......We will take care of her because we feel obligated but we will not ever move her in with us again.  I would never survive that again.


Heidi, have you considered Assisted Living for your MIL?  There are professional nurses available to help your MIL. You and your DH work full time. There is no way you can care full time for your MIL and work full time, too. Balance. Peace. Hugs.

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Heidi, have you considered Assisted Living for your MIL?  There are professional nurses available to help your MIL. You and your DH work full time. There is no way you can care full time for your MIL and work full time, too. Balance. Peace. Hugs.



Assisted living is extremely expensive.  We just had to move her out of the palace she lived in for 3 years because she ran out of money.  The only option will be a nursing home but honestly she doesn't need that.  She can do everything, she just doesn't want to.  I don't mind helping but you're right there is no way I can care for her full-time.  It has gotten more and more difficult to get help when needed.  The last time she had her spiral down with depression we couldn't even get any home nursing to come in like we had the first time.   We make her use the services that are available and then fill in as needed.  It is exhausting both physically and mentally but the most frustrating part is when she is unkind and miserable to be around.  Once she is to the point that she cannot stay alone she'll have to go into a nursing home.  

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