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Hydraulic line routing-Pictures

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Does anyone have pictures of how they routed the hydraulic lines on their machine. I have a Millie with a 14 ft table though I am not certain any of that matters! Just curious regarding the route you chose and which of the fasteners supplied you used (and where you used the supplied zip ties and cord guides). Only want to do this once and happy to learn from the experience of others! Would also be thrilled to see pictures from Dawn or Amy of the ones APQS has set up!

Thanks so much!

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I use the zip ties.  I zip tie all my extra cords up under my table so I only have to deal with the fabric advance cord, power cord and computer cord when vacuuming or sweeping under my machines.  Looks much neater too!!



Vacuuming? Sweeping? You mean we're supposed to clean under there?  :D

I just spent a half-hour a couple of days ago cutting the threads from around the rotating brush of my vacuum. Talk about a bird's nest! But is was a pretty pile!

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