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check spring changed...tension tight

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I changed the check spring in the tension control unit.  I thought I did it correctly but I have extremely tight top tension even though my tension knob is as loose as it can get.  I've had to really tighten up my bobbin case, there's not much (if any) drop to it and the bobbin thread is still showing on the top.  I think the ear of the spring is engaged in the slot on the shaft, the spring snaps back when flipped.  Not sure what I did wrong but it's something!  

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I would recommend you start again, rethread the top thread path completely...  the top tension should not be affected by the bobbin, so maybe you have the thread catching on something else?  then if that doesn't work I would go back to your bobbin, loosen it back up again so that you get the drop test right, take the check spring out and make sure you put it back in OK so that the u shape of the check spring is in the same place as the u shape of the bobbin case.  Make sure that there is no lint anywhere in the bobbin case...


Have you also checked for any threads in your bobbin area which could have broken off and still be causing a problem?  clean your bobbin area with WD40, 


hope you have success

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I know that the bobbin doesn't affect the top tension, I was trying to explain how tight the top was.  I did as you suggested and nothing has changed.  When I wrote about the check spring I was speaking of the tension control check spring, not the spring in the bobbin case.  I'm wondering if i got the spring ear into the slot of the shaft?  Wonder when I'll ever get the hang of this machine!

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If the spring is in place inside the tension assembly, can you double check that the the spring, as seen when looking at it in front of the tension assembly and with it resting against the edge of the slot, is at the 11 o'clock position and not higher. Also check that there is space between the spring and the cover of the machine behind the tension assembly so the thread doesn't bind anywhere back there. If it does, you can loosen the hex screw on the side and adjust the whole thing in our out so it doesn't bind. 

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Kim, don't beat up on yourself.. we've all been in situations that need calls to Amy.  My goodness she learned who we were by our voices.. we'd called that often.  All that stopped when she chewed himself out for messing around inside the head of the machine..


Amy loves helping folks, because she is a very strong supporter of APQS, and wants everyone to have fun using their machines, and fixes your problems so you can enjoy it also.


Hope you get a call in to her today.



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Spoke to Brenda this morning and I apparently over tightened the spring before I tightened the set screw.  Thank goodness there is so much support available.  Now on to getting the thumb of the hook assembly off of the hook finger.  Thanks for all the help!

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