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freedom is stalling at odd times

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I'm hoping someone will have an answer to this.

this last week, my APQS Freedom has stalled on me.  Miniscule amount of time each time, almost like more of a hiccup.   up to today when we spoke with our electrician, I thought it was because we are on rural electric.  We had 200 amp service put in this last summer, because of my sewing room, and other factors.  He checked, there has been no line surges, and he said it has to be within the machine itself.

When it happens, I will be quilting along, and it just does this hiccup, the light goes out on it and comes back on, and if I don't stop, it makes a thread mess on the back.  its happened three times this last week with no warning, no set pattern so I could anticipate it happening.  it just kind of stutters.

Anyone have this problem, what was your solution?

Thanks much!

Andi - Resilient quilter

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Hi Andi. Check the motor brushes. If they're worn you'll get erratic power to the machine. Look in the manual for location, replacement info, and what the worn brushes look like. It's an easy fix. If they aren't worn, you may have a loose connection somewhere and a call to Amy will walk you through the places to check.  Hoping you're quilting happily again soon.

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I got the machine from APQS almost a year ago, and I bought it used.  Of course, it was gone through completely at the factory at that time, so I can't see it needing new brushes already, IMHO.  I am planning on calling APQS tomorrow.  Static at my house is an issue, we heat with wood, so even with a humidifier you can get some whopping shocks off of light switches.  Maybe that is it?

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