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comuquilter computer upgrade

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I didn't read this soon enough and Linda and Terry Robinson and I attempted to upgrade my CQ with my very expensive "box" of parts.  Not only were we not successful but we couldn't get back to the original version of CQ.  It seems that, amongst other issues, Butch of CQ had not given me permission to download the working copy of the new program.  Unfortunately with no way of contacting them I am totally out of luck.  Massive waste of money for sure.


Meanwhile I have changed to the IQ system and am soooooo happy that I did.  It does have a learning curve but I am having so much fun experimenting with all its possibilities.  And, more important, Angela Huffman and Zoltan have been wonderful at responding to my questions, even on weekends and after hours.  Wow, imagine that!


Meanwhile, if any of you who live in Ohio have an APQS with CQ could you contact me.  I have a couple of questions.


Thanks.  Karen in Houston

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