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I think I messed up my timing!

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Lucey and I have had our share of issues this week.  Just when I think one problem is solved there's another one.  This time I think it's a biggy.  Don't know if I didn't have my new needle all the way in or what, but when I pressed the go button the needle went down and hit something in the bobbin and bent it.  Naturally I turned off the power and replaced the bent needle and have just moved the wheel instead of turning her one again and when the needle gets to the lowest position is when it is hitting something in the bobbin.  What do I do?  Is it the needle bar or do I need to retime.  I'm not very mechanically inclined and am just scared to death that I will make a bad situation worse.  Of course stuff like this only happens at night or on a Friday night when the office is closed.  Someone talk me off the ledge.

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Melzee, step back from the ledge!! There are several things you need to do before you jump: first, send an email describing your issues to service@apqs.com - they will often check those on weekends and holidays. Second, copy this post to the APQS Help forum - again, the techs will watch that forum over the weekend. And last, but not least, double-check that your needle is in properly: groove to the front and scarf to the back. I've not heard of an improperly placed needle getting bent, but I do know that if you put it in backwards, it might not come back up (don't ask me how I know!).

If your needle is in properly and you still are hitting the hook assembly when you drop the needle, then you may need to retime. No, don't step back up on that ledge! Timing isn't fun the first time, but it's not technically hard. Go to the APQS website - there are videos that will walk you through the process. In the meantime, we will all cross our fingers and hope that it's something simple!

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