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Wonky backing-bad grain

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This is a first for me.  I have a customer who brought in a 91 x 91 top.  The backing is not a good quality fabric, the grain isn't straight, and I'm having a devil of at time trying to square it up.  She just usually purchases the yardage she needs and then brings it over.  Which is usually fine, except that I think this came from the end of the bolt sale she found online.  


Does anyone have any suggestions that might help me?

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Call her with your concerns and let her know you'll need her permission to tear the backer straight. Sometimes one piece backers (extra wides) are cut worky off the bolt and you need to discover if you have enough usable straight-grain fabric to successfully quilt it. Tearing is the only accurate way and you may end up with two big waste-triangles when you tear it straight. And the left-over straight fabric isn't big enough to use as the backer. Best to call her and give her the options. 

I love Vicki's "quote"---right to the point! ;)

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Attach one end to the back roller and drape the other end as if you are going to attach it to the front roller and onto the floor.  Roll the backing onto the backing roller spritzing with a spray water bottle as you go.  Keep an eye on the sides of the quilt and mark where the closest part of the edges gets towards the centre of the front roller.  Once almost to the end you can then measure between the marks and  see if it is wide enough for the quilt.

Don't try and pull it straight as you roll it onto the backing roller just make sure their are no major creases.  This way you will see how off straight grain the sides are cut and will find out if you have enough backing.  No trimming but takes about the same amount of time as trimming would.

If enough fabric for the width of the quilt attach the backing to the front roller then wind back onto the front roller smoothing as you go.  I leave the wonky sides on so the customer can see why we need the extra width.

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