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Stitching around applique

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Hello Again

    I have a beautiful quilt with 12 blocks of applique that I will be echoing around.   I am doing a simple treatment in the sashing that is between each of the blocks that is going to a  1/8 inch echo of the ditch line per request of the customer which will in essence hold this quilt in place.  Can I do all of the sashing and then come back and do all of the applique or should I do all of it as I go?  I am changing thread color several times with this quilt for the sashing and the blocks so I was hoping maybe I could do the applique all at once thus being able to stay with one color once I got to that.  I admit I am lazy and all the thread color changing and walking to the back of the machine to switch cones is not on my favorite list of things to do.


Thanks for any advice.




P.S.  Sorry to be asking so many questions of late but I am getting more customers with more unique quilts to me and my business is growing so I want to do it right and this is the best place I know to come for the correct answers.  As always, I appreciate all of your experience and life lessons no matter how great or small.

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If you make sure the blocks are straight as you go, stitching all the sashing first is the best idea, both for time-saving and to stabilize the top. You can check for square with your channel locks as you go and pin each applique block as you get to it. Then when you come back to the applique blocks you can stitch all the backgrounds. This is where I do any edge-stitching of the applique. If you're stitching on the applique you can stitch various colors needed---all the greens, then all the reds, etc. "Lazy" is just a way of saying "efficient".  :D

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Yes, I do this all the time. Just pin or baste the blocks if they are large, especially if you are using batting with some loft. If your sashing is very dense in comparison to the blocks, it might be better to SID all the blocks first, then go back and quilt your sashing..or quilt all the blocks then do the sashing. I most often SID it all, then go back, working from least dense to most dense.

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