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Trim joining....


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how can I keep my design from moving off the computer screen as I magnify it? As it gets closer for me to see how far apart my two sections are....I lose it...I keep trying to keep the elements on the screen but without much luck. It is often easier for me to redigitize the design.

the arrow keys and scroll keep shooting it off the screen....any ideas? I would like to enjoy the trim joining of units...but right now it drives me crazy.


Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA

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Cheryl, if you want to see a certain area enlarged, hold your cursor over that area and use the scroll button on your mouse. The screen will magnetize that particular area.

When trim joining, make sure the entire design is on the screen so you can see what is happening. I don't know of any way to see trim joining working when the design is magnitized and parts of it is off the screen.

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As Sue suggested I put the mouse pointer on the area to magnify but I also trim join when at magnification. You don't have to see the entire design in order for it to trim join as long as you have your design properly digitized.

You should email Suzanne and look in your Autosketch training book. She has helped me with a few things that I forgot or concepts I lost. Once I was reminded I remembered how easy it was again. lol

Good luck Cheryl.

PS. I am responding to you from the Highway coming out of Wisconsin. We went to pick up my Second Machine. So excited. Now it will be a few weeks before I can get it all the way to Texas. I will be in Kansas for a few more weeks. Going to MQS. Wish you could be there so I could see you again.

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I was planning on coming to MQS but had to change plans...the person I was going to room with couldn't come. I can't afford the hotel by myself...so next year we are planning to come. If she can't come...I am saving my pennies so I can go.:P:):D

I thought I understood trim joining...but I did post some questions on the Compu_users group. I have my trusty manual from Suzanne in front of me when I am working and don't quite understand everything. But, the maginficantion wasn't mentioned and I knew there had to be an easy solution.

I need to email Suzanne about digitizing corners...tricky little devils...only because I can't figure them out...LOL...but that isn't unusual...I am sure they are easier than easy if you know what you are doing.

Wish I could be there with you and everyone else. Have a great time. Glad you got your new machine. I was thinking about adding a third machine...a Freedom with a compuquilter, but I have changed my mind...at least for the moment.

Take some great pictures...would love to see some.

Take care,

Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA

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