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Oil on a quilt

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I have a spot of oil on a quilt I was doing and was wondering if anyone can tell me the best way to get it out. It doesn't show on the front of the quilt but does on the back which is a red flannel. I didn't notice it until I had removed the quilt this morning and I hate to tell you what I said!


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Have you tried Oxyclean? Sometimes it works on things like that. Also on some of my DH's clothes that he gets oil or grease on I use Goop on them. That's from the auto parts stores or maybe even Walmart. It's mainly used for cleaning your hands after working on a car or the like. I've used it on clothes and it doesn't hurt them. Hope one of those might work for you!

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If the oil is the clear oil from your machine, just use a Q-tip to load on the cornstarch or baking soda. Really load it on and let sit. Then scrape off after it soaks up and check again for the stain. (I have used the nozzle of my vacuum cleaner to remove all the excess.) Re-apply if there is stain left. All these products do is absorb the oil--they will not hurt the fabric. Sooner is better to use--and definitely before washing. Good luck!

Linda Rech

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Thanks all. Jeanne the Oxyclean gave me an idea and I actually ended up using "eaze-out" and lots of paper towel. It worked but I did have to use a little cold water. The directions say to wash after but as it was only a small spot and I used very little solution (used a Q-tip in fact) it worked like a charm and the oil spot is now gone.

Linda and Julia, I like the cornstarch idea and will remember that if I do get oil on a quilt again. Hopefully it is a one time experience!


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