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any quilters near Westborough, MA?

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A young (compared to me) friend in Westborough, MA just purchased a new sewing machine and wants to make her first quilt. She's having trouble locating a guild or finding classes in her area. She wants to connect with other quilters but keeps coming up empty. Anybody out there in her area?

I'm sending her some old Simply Quilts episodes I had saved, but it would be nice to have quilting friends close by, or find some classes.

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Hi Cathey,

I live in Acton, MA, which is I think, about a half hour from

Westborough. I have a Liberty. What did your friend buy? I'm certainly no expert, but she's welcome to get in touch with me - it's hard out here, no reps - the closest is in Portland, Maine!



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Cathey, I live in Mansfield, Ma. Down the road (highway) a way on I495. I do have a quilt group that meets at my house twice a month, once in the evening and once in the morning/early afternoon. I have some newbie quilters that joined a few months ago that I'm helping along. Others of us make and sell/show quilts. This is not a guild, just a group of quilters who like the company of others quilters. Let me know if your friend is interested. DB

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