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using yahoo groups

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Do any of you belong to a long-arm quilting Yahoo group? CL has a link to a LA yahoo group but I don't have any information about it. Do you get lots of junk mail? Is it anything like this group? Is it helpful? Is it safe? I've had a virus that was so bad that I ended up having to get a new computer and don't want to do that again, so I'm suspicious about trying. Thanks for your imput.

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I belong to several yahoo groups. I get the messages sent directly to my regular mail inbox (with separate folders to sort them by group). Any spam I get goes into a bulk mail folder so it's hard to associate which spam I get with what group. Couldn't even say if there is any........

The groups I belong to are:

Machine Quilting Business

Machine Quilting Professional

Machine Quilting Systems

Nolting Longarm Quilters

The Professionals group is a very busy group with many msgs a day.

All of them are valuable sources of information and (sometimes) entertainment!

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As the owner of a fairly large Yahoo Group (Machine Quilting Professional - 2800 members), I'd like to answer this concern.

First and foremost, in this day and age of computers, one must have anti-virus software and it must be kept up to date. Without it, you are leaving yourself open to all kinds of worms and viruses.

When you initially set up a Yahoo account, on the first page where it says "Yahoo Account Info", scroll down to where it says "edit your marketing preferences about 1/3 of the way down the screen and click on it. Make sure NONE of the boxes are checked off and then go to the bottom of the page and click on SAVE CHANGES.

Then at the top of the page and click on the "Subscriptions" tab. Again, make sure NONE of the boxes are checked off, scroll down to the bottom and click on SAVE CHANGES.

By doing this, you will avoid all the Yahoo marketing junk. The MQP list began over 4 years ago and although I still get plenty of junk mail, I sincerely don't believe that it's Yahoo generated.

Also, all Yahoo Groups can be read by logging into that group's site. It is easy and your inbox won't get clogged with tons of e-mails.

I keep McAfee Anti-Virus software on my computer and I run Ad-Aware at least twice per week. Ad-Aware has saved me on more than one occasion. It is a free program (they do have a for-pay product with more services as well). To download go to www.lavasoftusa.com and look for Ad-Aware SE Personal.

I hope this helps and allows you to enjoy the many groups available on Yahoo.

Janet-Lee Santeusanio

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