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Any TVQG goers here? What should I take for show'n'tell???

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If you live in the Tualatin Valley area, you just might be someone I'll meet tonight. I'm excited about attending MY VERY FIRST QUILT GUILD MEETING EVER!!! Wonder if I'll see you......

What should I take for a first show and tell, I wonder? Any ideas, anybody? No, I don't have a fabulous quilt...... maybe I should get the dust off the very first one I ever made and take it off the wall and show that? Not very good workmanship, but totally by hand from scratch, so maybe it would be a good intro. Eh?

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Oh gals! I LOVED the meeting last night. They had the speaker I put in the other topic I made about Coffee Creek Quilters. She is wonderful! She brought some quilts to show us that they made in the prison, and they are gorgeous. I do hope we can get her at our church.

Anyway, the women were so nice and friendly, I'm so glad I joined. I brought home a BOM sheet, so I hope I'll have time to complete it. I don't know if all guilds do this, but if you want, you can bring your completed BOM, put your name in a bowl, they draw at the end of the night, and if you win you take home everybody's BOMs and make a quilt with them, if you like. Wow. What would I do with that? Don't have time to make my OWN quilts, much less a collected BOM quilt. I"d probably give some away. The lady who won last night wanted to share, there were so many. The president of the group brought several show and tells as they'd been at Sisters, and they were fabulously done. I LOVED the way she did the colors in her quilts.

So I can see I will have quite enough inspiration, and much fun and love going around the group. Thanks for your encouragement and all. I tried all day to get some blocks together from the class I took a few weeks ago, but only got the block borders on and squared, which is saying a lot considering. So I didn't take anything, as I'd have to vacuum the dust off the one on the wall before taking it anywhere, LOL! Next month.

Boy, but that was fun!

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