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Sequins, how to....?

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How do you all do sequins? Glue on or stitch somehow? Before or after quilting? I guess after, eh? so you don't run over them? How many is good, tons or just barely any? I want dewdrops on my rosey fabric squares in the "In the Garden" quilt I'm stitching. It's in pieces on my dining table even as we speak, awaiting my next pressing. My iron must have turned itself off by now, LOL, so I'd better get back and do the job! Just wondering about those sequins......

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Hi Patty--

As a rule, all stick-on or sew-on embellishments go on after quilting. The heat-set crystals are the rage now but if you want sequins or beads, they must be sewn on.

Classically, sequins are sewn on with a bead on top to secure. Knot a thread and bury the knot as with hand quilting. Thread on the sequin, through a bead large enough not to pass through the hole in the sequin, and back through the sequin and into the fabric. Tie off the thread and there you go!

IMHO--a bead would look more like dewdrops than a sequin because of the raised shape and small clear beads would be so realistic looking. Show us a photo when you finish.

Have fun adding to your tops!

Linda R

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Sequins or any type of embelishments, or trims should be added after the quilting has been done.

I have always sewn my sequins on to my projects if you use glue they look messy and can flake off easier. As far as how many to use depends on the look you want to create, this is usually a personal choice of the individual doing the project.

Start off with a small amount then if needed you can always add more.

Have fun :)


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