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Quilt Sampler Books

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At my friend's shop, the teacher does a beginner's class with 6 blocks, I think...and each one shows a different technique. For example, pieced, applique, probably Y seams, etc. It probably has sashing to show how to do that, too. So, you could probably make up your own lap quilt...trying to incorporate as many techniques as possible. I think when some do 12 blocks, they maybe do 2 per month. Don't know if this was much help!

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Yes, one of my very first quilt teachers (the that died too young from cancer) she had a "Star of the Month" class over a span of 6-9 months where you made a different star block, learning a different technique (inlucing y seams, making plastic templates, using different tools, etc) and it was so fun! I looked forward to each class. Instructions from many of these blocks came from the "Around the Block" books by Judy Hopkins. I love these books because you can make the same block in different sizes. It was a great class!

On a side note: I still have all of my star of the month blocks (she got cancer - a mother of two girls, she died much too young! - during our class so we didn't finish the final two blocks) but I put all of my finished blocks into a small wallhaning top with sashing and it's still waiting to be quilted. (by me some day when I feel I'm good enough/worthy enough to do this quilt of honor for my teacher). :( I miss her very much. She will always remain an inspiration to me, and I think of her almost daily when I sew on my Bernina.

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Quilts, Quilts, Quilts by Diana McClun and Laura Nownes has a section in the back of the book for a sampler quilt called "How to make your own scrap sampler quilt". You could use as many blocks as you want. It covers a lot of techniques and was a fun class. Took it many years ago at our local quilt store. Try it, you will like it. That was the first edition. I think the second edition might be Quilts, Quilts, Quilts and More Quilts. Both are good books.

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