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color grabbers

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Hello all,

I know I've read somewhere on this forum about something you use in the washer if you have colors that have bled onto lighter fabric. Does anyone know what it is called? I've done a search and can't seem to find what I'm looking for. Thanks for your help!


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I too can't think of the name of it, but if you go to the store they are in with the laundry items. There is one that is a liquid in a little yellow bottle and it starts with a "C"....another one is in a box and looks like a wash cloth, that you can use several times before it gets full, and the last product are tear off sheets that you use a new one each load, they look like dryer sheets.

Sorry I'm drawing a total blank here. But I have used the wash cloth ones and have had great success.

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Thanks Bonnie,

I went to the grocery this morning and looked all over the laundry aisle and couldn't see anything. I even asked a manager. He said he knew what I was talking about, but couldn't think of the name and didn't know if they carried it. I just thought I might have more luck if I was able to go in with a name next time. I'll keep trying. If you think of it, let me know.

Thanks for your quick reply.


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Thanks Bonnie and Shana,

That gives me two more to looks for. I think the third one might be Carbona Dye Grabber, Bonnie. I found something on the web about that one. Thanks again to both of you for your quick response. This truly is a wonderful place to go for answers from wonderful people.


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I use Color Catcher sheets and I have quite a collection --yes, I saved them to use someday in a collage-y hanging.

I have many colors--all very muted from pale pink to pale lavender and blue. I think these will work for floral designs and the sheet is non-woven like a fabric softener sheet so it won't ravel.

I love to save weird stuff for an eventual project--probably never make anything but it's fun to think about!

Linda R

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