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got a visit from GRAMMIE!!!!!

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Grammie was finally able to visit us this past week! I have to admit that I felt totally cheated by the little amount of time she and I got to spend together, but that's ok. I plan to totally guilt her into coming back here to visit VERY SOON!!!!

did it work? u r coming back to visit aren't ya? I mean like next week and stuff GRAMMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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You have to tell us if GrammieTammie was in her quilt mobile when she visited. I remember reading about her RV conversion to rolling quilt studio. It sounded so cool. I have been wondering where she has been. She's not posting, so she didn't put her wireless laptop in that RV.

How is she doing??

And somebody over on the Birthday block exchange was looking for your address to send a block to you.

And we have not heard much from you this summer. What have you been up to besides entertaining VIPs? :D

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Manda, did you finally kick that nasty flu bug out of your system??? It seemed like it was anchored down in there pretty deep. Hope you got that thing yanked out by the roots so it can't grow back.

How's quilting and, your new shop's new location and stuff and kids and everything? What's this you've got going with VIPs? Hmmm... (lots of questions) lol... missed you (and Grammie T) around here lately.

Since we're all on a guilt trip here, I might as well add mine too. Grammie, when are you coming to visit me, and when you do, bring that DIL with you. :)

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No quilt mobile-YET! I am sure that she is still making plans for travel. Her grandchildren are all over the country and she is such a great grandmother that I am fairly close to positive that she wants to be there for all of them!

In regards to me -well I am doing just fine. I have closed the shop one day a week to begin concentrating on quilting. I have too far of a backlog and know that I can do better. The local quilt club is warming up to me-except for a select few, but that is their loss in my opinion.:cool:

love and miss all of you, hopefully i can get back to posting pictures more often!

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