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How to add letters on Millie

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Hello, I am a VERY new owner of a Millie with Quilt Path.  I am wondering if there is a way that I can program in a name and date into Quiltpath, and have it stitch within the bottom border (to make placement a bit easier).  I have dabbled in Pattern eClipse, but just wondered if this is something I can do and if anyone has any hints or tips.  Thank you!

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Hi Anne,

I don't have a Quilt Path so I am unable to answer your question.  I believe that there is a Quilt Path Facebook group and that would be a good place to ask your question.

This site used to be very active but it is pretty quiet around here these days!  There is an APQS Facebook group too that I understand is where there are a lot more postings.

I hope that you are able to get the answer you need.

 Enjoy your new Millie.

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There is a pattern for Intelliquilter https://itsaquiltthing.com/cart/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=5129.  I don’t know what formats Quilt Path will work with.  I suspect there is something out there that will work for what you want to do.  If you find what you want make sure you post back, it may help someone else.



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