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New Millie

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I've been reading this "chat" for about 2 months--and learned so much! My Millie is about 1 mo old--and she's a doll! I wanted her 2 years ago, but got talked out of it...and bought a Grand Quilter Pfaff--and Inspira Frame--which are great! What they showed me was that I wanted a Millenium...and today the Pfaff and Frame were sold--and I can breathe a big sigh of relief (a little more money toward the balance!) and quilt in peace! The "issues" I had with the smaller unit (remember to put the presser foot down--and a cruise control that was not a stitch regular--are now gone. I just have to remember everything you all are writing--and learn how to drive this baby! I'm having a ball and anyone who quilts should sign on to this format--it's a book! Thanks! Jane

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Congrats on your new Millie. The APQS Machines are the best and the people on this forum are the best too. I have had my Liberty for 10 months and I have learned so much from the talented people here and helped me out at night and weekends when I was stuck or thought I had a problem (which turned out to be a user error!).

So welcome!!! And no question is stupid!!!!

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