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No Ribbon Quilt Show

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Hey Quilters!!!

I would like your opinions please!!

My guild just recently "voted" to not have ribbons/awards at our next show. I have been a member for more than 10 years, have just recently been entering in the show since I have been longarming (4years) and have won two ribbons ( customer quilts) this past show. Usually we have the option to have our entries judged or not ( no pressure) AND we have a famous national juried award winning quilter who is a member who some may feel resentment towards competing against. This is coming right at the time where I feel like competing (at my local level) is something I would like to participate in ( not to mention help my visibility as a longarmer!)

At our last show, the person who was in charge of labeling the quilts wasn't computer savvy enough and if there was too much info about the quilt the "Quilted By " info was left completely off! Natually a longarmer friend and myself were there AS VENDORS trying to drum up business and as you can imagine we weren't pleased(!:mad:!) when our names werent on the labels.

The reasons for not judging this year were

.saving $ ( judge costs as much as a quality program!!wow!)

.speed of hanging the show (takes too much time to judge)

. feelings get hurt ( so don't have yours judged!!) Not winning is part of the judging experience, you can go home and cry in a corner or learn from the critique; its a professional judge NOT ONE OF THE GUiLD MEMBERS!!It can be an opportunity to learn about your weaknesses and strive to grow and improve your skills!!

We pay high $ to rent a nice building and have a very high quality show. Many people come from surrounding areas ( my Dad's cancer surgeon and her surgeon husband from Chicago university teaching hospital!!) and I feel ribbons/ awards add to the overall quality of the show :That we want to show the attendees are striving for excellence in our own way throughout this quality exhibit.( because you paid to see it!)

Because of this decision, I have lost even more faith in my local guild. I know this is only one show ( we have it every two years) and I can't seem to get the customers I feel I should be getting by now from them ( various reasons).

Are ribbons/awards the norm or the exception for an established local guild???

Sometimes I'm not sure if I want to be associated with this group anymore; like the frustration and anger is outweighing the positive experience..... any thoughts???????THANKS!!!!

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We've had these issues at our local show as well and it's pretty sad. Of course, we NEVER had ribbons and awards recinded AFTER we had begun to give them. GASP!

I think a good compromise was found for our show. We have a theme for the show each year. The guild members themselves vote as they attend the show for "Best of Theme." The public attending the show votes for "People's Choice Award."

Last year we gave, for the first time, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons in those two categories. We also had "Participant" ribbons, no -- let me think -- they were printed labels that said, "this quilt was displayed at such and such and such 2007". Everyone really liked getting those and they weren't expensive at all.

I wasn't with the guild from the beginning, but as a small group, I think this approach has not only avoided the cost of having a qualified judge, but has also avoided the humililty some feel about not winning a ribbon, the backbiting, jealousy and other nonsense that can creep into a local group.

Maybe there is some way to offer a suggestion of compromise somehow. Good luck. Sorry for your dissapointment.

You know, there really is something to be said as well for having a public "Show & Tell." Which is what I would call a show without judged awards. Sisters has the biggest and best and it has no sign of diminishing. They have in recent years added a theme contest within the larger show, but by-and-large it will always remain a non-judged show.

For showing your work for competition, remember, there are so many outlets and you should focus on sending your best work there. I always encourage my customers who come up with an outstanding quilt, to enter it in the fairs and shows and will even provide all the information for them to help them make that decision.

Anyway, dear. I'm sorry for your frustration. Hang in there. Keep quilting!

~~ Eva H.

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Guest Linda S

If there were no ribbons, I wouldn't enter a show. I don't always need to win one, but they are a big part of the fun. And, if you have to mail your quilt off to a show, winning even a small prize helps to pay for the shipping.


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I just finished hanging quilts for my guild's show tomorrow.

We have voting in categories for Viewer's Choice only which eliminates jealosy and snippiness which can happen in a group where everybody knows everybody.

Save the cost of the judge and go to participatory ribbons only. If anybody wants an achievement ribbon, let them enter a regional show or the local fairs. There is enough competition in a guild without the extra pressure of trying to show up your "friends"!!

As far as getting credit for your work on someone else's quilt, that is an ongoing problem for longarmers. Make sure your name is supplied as the quilter for all customer tops in the show. You may even have that stipulation printed on the customer copy of the invoice for you to point out when you tell your customer that their quilt has show potential!

I have many customer quilts in this show and noticed three where the quilter was incorrect. I will approach these customers tomorrow at the show and let them know I noticed a typo on the information sheet and let them know I will be happy to correct it unless they would like to themselves. Kinda nervey, I know, but I also know that it WAS a typo because these friends of mine know I will be at the show and naturally I would notice if my name wasn't on the info sheet. (Also, most have labels with my name on already--so no real harm done.) Now, the one that won an honorable mention at a regional fair that had HER name on it as the quilter--that's a different story!! Don't know how I will handle that one!

If you aren't getting a positive feeling from the guild, stay there for the connections and any charity work that makes you feel good--but, maybe start an off-shoot group to meet once a month or so. Fill the group with like-minded members and keep up the positive energy from people you like and enjoy "playing" with.

Good luck and try to keep your perspective--easy to say but sometimes hard to do!

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Thanks again Ladies!!

I'm always curious to see what "other guild" situatuions are like.This will be the impetus to get my own stuff done and out there in the big bad world of judged shows!! I guess I felt like I had to win more awards on a "local level" before I was qualified to go for the gusto with the bigger dogs. I do go to see my friends and we usually go out for a cocktail and bite to eat afterwards and I would miss that sorely. Something must have snapped and to be truthful I may not enter quilt one in this next show ( because all my quilts will be touring with a national juried show Darlings!!!LOL!!) Thanks again for your opinions ladies..I always love to hear what's rattleing around the longarmer brains!!

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