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Thank you, Linda Rech and Teresa Taylor!

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Again, woman, you are DA WOMAN!

The 8:00 Test for Top Tension... I used it last night and ya-ya-betcha baby, that worked perfect for me. I was playing around with a really heavy top thread and I had bottom line in the bobbin and I gotta tell ya that did the trick. Nice tension on top and bottom.

Teresa Taylor, you, too. You are DA WOMAN! :cool:

Thanks for the tips ...they worked great for me.

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To make it easier (for me) I am pasting Linda\'s post from the other day. I had to tighten it up a little more but it really worked. Thanks, LindaR

Originally posted by ffq-lar

Hi Karol,

I am going to call this the 8 o\'clock test--it\'s for the top tension.

First, change out the needle that is shredding the thread.

Thread the new needle and loosen the top tension so the thread flows out with little resistance when pulled through the eye towards the back of the machine.

Tighten the top tension a bit and pull the thread again, keeping your eye on the tension spring (that U-shaped wire in front of the tensioner) My tension spring at rest sits at about the 10 o\'clock position when you look at it straight on.

As you tighten the tension, the resistance on the spring increases as you pull the thread through.

When the tension is set so the spring deflects to 8 o\'clock (down slightly) that is my "sweet spot" for top tension.

I set my bobbin tension at 17 on the Towa gauge and I am good to go with almost anything.

You will eventually get a feel for how easily the top thread pulls through and will find that sweet spot for your machine.

Hope this helps you.

Both tensions need to be tight enough to bury the stitch and sometimes we need to start from scratch to make it work. BottomLine is great thread, usually, and worth the time to make it work for you. Good luck!

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Wow--I find my name in big letters on the chat today!! And in the company of Teresa Taylor!!

You are very welcome for the advice, Shana, and I am glad it worked for you. There is so much trial and error (too much error!!) when someone is isolated from a dealer so this site is invaluable to all of us!!

I love the recent post about turning the rear handles around for panto-side work. People are so inventive and lots of DHs are happy to help out with attachments and tools. I love to share!!

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