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Info on jelly bean quilter, Mary Eddy?

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Mary Ellen Eddy is a quilt artist to me. She does wonderful stuff with thread and a dsm. She amazes me. I have one of her books but can\'t remember the name. Anywho, she just thinks outside the box. Saw her make a frog on material with her dsm once...she does it with such ease. That\'s as much as I know about her.

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The Jelly Bean Quilter

As you can see from the website, there is no idea as to what is inside the book but the names of the designs. Is there a place where there are samples of what is inside? I have bought books before where it was just a plain outside and no samples and was sorely disappointed, especially after handing over quite a bit of money.

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I don\'t think there\'s any website that has photos from the inside of her books. I\'ve only see one of her books ... Jamboree (sp). It had adorable bugs, bees, flowers and the like inside. In fact, it\'s on my list to purchase in the near future.

Why don\'t you email her and see if she\'ll email you a page or so from the book(s) you\'re interested in?

If you look through her pantographs http://www.jbquilter.com/rp_index.htm

you\'ll see she\'s very whimsical in her drawing.

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