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Feeling a little guilty/advice on bookkeeping

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Just wanted to share a little with people who might understand? I started in October and was quite busy for several months after quitting my part time job....right now have a lull which I think is probably normal due to the holidays but am feeling a little guilty about not working at all....(but do have to figure out my income tax and small business books...have no clue) I suppose trying to figure all that out is work too....but I am so used to having a job to go to and am also an empty nester since last year so feel like I should be busier (not used to not being needed 24/7)....DH works at a good job so money isn't such an issue luckily, but do have bills to pay for supplies....Such is life....thanks for listening!! Denise

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Hi Denise,

Use this time to learn new techniques & try new things. Once you get busy again you won\'t have time. Think of it as "education" time. :) If you don\'t have any training DVDs, order some and start practicing.

I look forward to the "lulls", since it gives me time to breath and have some FUN with my machine. ;)

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Darlene is right use the time to try new things or quilting ideas. I would love to have a lull right now to finish my daughters wedding quilt. January usually is a slower month...everyone has spent they $$ on the holidays. If you have any tops of your own to quilt now is a perfect time to do that or to piece a quilt top.


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It is sometimes harder to get motivated during a lull! I find that when I have a thousand things going on that I get a whole lot more done vs when I have nothing planned and no obligations. I too am a recent empty nester but still work full-time outside the home. I can\'t wait to not do that. Hubby has a plan for retirement so I have to do my part...LOL I\'m hoping to win the lottery and quit tomorrow!

Try making a list of things you want to get done and make it like a job without any of the stress! If you get too bored I\'ll be happy to add to your list for you :P.

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Hi Denise,

thanks for asking this question. I\'ve got several quilts that need to be quilted, but no time (this work thing continues to get in the way!), but thanks for pointing out the "lull" time. I haven\'t had many reservations for spots lately, and I was beginning to fret. I never thought about there being a slower post holiday time.


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Thanks Ladies!

Yes, I do have a couple of skill builder pieces to practice on and also a set of pantos I want to highlight by doing them with different threads/batting/ and fabrics so I can take it around to shops for examples so just need to get going.....trying to get some much needed exercise in each day too....too much Christmas food...

so, yes, a good time to practice my techniques...thanks again! Denise

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