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A good layout program?

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Does anybody know of a good computer program for laying out custom quilt designs. I figured out last night what I want to do with my birthday blocks, but I can't draw it out accurate enough to get the background pieces exact. I tried EQ5, but I want to do a square center medallion, then put the others on point around it, but can't do that in EQ5.

So, other than trying to do it in paint, which is not working, what program might I try?


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Do you have PhotoShop? You can import blocks from EQ into PhotoShop and create your custom layout in PhotoShop. You may have to mess a little with layers and locking them--depending on how complicated your design is and how much you want to monkey with it. I\'ve used PhotoShop for this exact purpose and thought it was a great tool.

I know that some people also use CorelDraw--but I don\'t have that software, and have no experience with it.

Best of luck!

Jill Kerekes

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You can rotate your blocks in EQ5. Create a custon set. Draw in your block. You can resize it to whatever you want. Click on the adjust tool (2nd icon on right tool bar). Hold down control and click on block. This will give you the ability to rotate the block. You can also use the bottom tool bar to get your postion absolutely perfect. I have even done scallop designs with EQ. There are lots of things you can do with the program but it does take ppp!

I have taught EQ at our LQS and it is a very popular class. We do it as a block of the month series spanning 6 months. If you need more pointers feel free to contact me. Some of the features I don\'t often use in my own designs so I might have to play a little first. As I tell my students I find that you use EQ for your own specific needs and I rarely find a student who uses all functions of EQ.


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