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Quilt software for MACs

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I love quilt pro 5 for mac! very easy to use at least for my eye you simply click and drag to form quilt shapes! you can make wonderful hand outs with your notes and instructions. add your own fabrics with the label right on the instructions no tedious exporting.

I think its just awesome!! better than EQ which I use too.

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Susan, thank you. I was leery when I read the review on planet-something-or-other. The reviewer was frustrated that you could not fill separate areas with color or something like that. I think for my needs, I will go with it. I appreciate your input. I love my MAC and won\'t give it up for quilt software. roflol

Nancy Jo

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you can also buy parrells and use EQ or any other windows program, but I like running from the mac directly. there are a few funky things to manuver (but EQ has them too you ) Quilt pro has always answered my questions and helped me but once you get the idea its so much easier than drawing with lines and there are oodles of short cuts that make it really quick to use!

there are video tutorials that come with the CD too-- watch them!. I am a visual learner so it made it very easy to learn.

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I have Parallels on 2 of my Macs and Virtual PC on one and one is a virgin <lol>. I really prefer to run just from MAC unless I am forced to do otherwise. So, to the rest of the MAC users looking to get lucky, here is the down-low about QuiltPro5: get it now--yes now, not later. The company changed hands in Nov or Dec and UPPED the price by over $60! I talked to Softexpressions.com to find out why they are at $134.95 vs Planet Patchwork at $79.95. She told me they sold all they had at $79.95 and now have to charge more because the new owners upped the price. Seems like MAC users are always being gouged, but that is another subject for another time. Anyway, here is the real deal for you, if you want to get it now: allbrands.com has it for $69.95 and free shipping. I ordered mine already so I know I got a good deal, but really, if you are seriously considering it, I would go get it now. Once the inventory is gone, the price is going up. Even if you use Patchwork Planet, it is still $79.95 with free shipping. I googled every site and these are the best. But here is a caveat: if you buy the accessory cd\'s be aware that most websites tell you in small print that they will work on a MAC if you have virtual PC. Probably Parallels too. If you go directly to the QuiltPro website, you will pay a little bit more, but you get a MAC version. There you go. I just know that inquiring minds needed this info and I am too bored today to just sit here . LOL

Nancy Jo

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What a coincidence, I have just returned from our quilt group\'s talk this evening which was on the use of computers in quilting. Design software was one of the topics and our speaker said that Quilt Pro 5 is the only one that will run on a mac. Her take was that is was a very good piece of software especially if you preferred more traditional piecing. For her, with an interest in \'art\' quilts, it was a bit limiting as it didn\'t allow her to draw freely.

It was a very interesting evening.


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