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Quilt shows...question

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Being in Idaho leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to shows with APQS but there is one in Utah, about a 6 hour drive from me, and I thought I would get down there in May to try out an APQS. It looks like they are only availbable to some of the classes, is that how that works? It does not say in the booklet which classes will be using the APQS machines, so will I even get a chance to put my hands on one, does anyone know? Or will they be on display in the vendor mall, as they are not listed as a vendor.

Thanks for any information you can help me out with!!


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Just give APQS a call they can tell you if they will be at the vendor mall. Also, ask who is the rep for that area. I am sure that if there is someone near you with an APQS they might let you come over for a test drive. I do believe that if you look at the home page you can find a listing of all the reps.

Myrna is in St George, UT...don\'t know where that is compared to you.

Good luck.


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I went to HMQS the last two years. APQS has been represented in the vendor\'s mall both years. Sometimes Myrna is out there. She\'s teaching hands on classes there this year. Some of the classrooms are furnished with HQ16 machines. This year the brochure lists classes by what type of machines would get the most benefit, such as domestic, mid-arm, long-arm or embroidery machine.

I went the first year as a domestic machine quilter and last year I had my Millie but she was still in the garage in boxes waiting for my hydraulics. It will be good this year to have a little better foundation of long arm quilting.

I\'d love to meet you if you come!


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Hi Tracie,

I will be working for the APQS at HMQS in May. We will be Daines Sewing booth so it is not listed as APQS. I will be teaching but can\'t remember what machines I will be using. I will be happy to do a deom with you, answer all your questions and give you all the time you want to play. Check my teaching schedule in the book or on line. I think most of the time I am teaching is before the show. But may have one during, so I will be out of the booth then. You now if you are traveling 6 hours anyway you could just come on down another 4 hours ;) a bit sooner to get out of the cold for awhile and play at my studio. Then be home during for the spring thaw to get that studio going :D

If you have any question before then give me a call.

LOL, Just a thought. See you in May.


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Hay Tracie

I would just give Myrna a call before the show and she can fill you in on delivery times for the machine of your choice, if you let her know if you are looking for a Milly or Freedom or Lenni she can check with the factory before the show to see what the waiting time is if any. Then you can test drive them with her at the show. If there is still room in any of her classes you may want to book in for one or two, she is an awesome teacher with lots to show and share and I know she will take the time to answer all your questions and help you decide on the best choice for you.... good luck and let us know what machine you choice:D Oh and say hi to Myrna for me;)

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