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Need help with microdrive handles

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Someone help me!! I\'m using the microdrive to do tiny pebbles on a quilt. It is killing my right wrist and my right hand is cramping. Left one is fine. I know you aren\'t supposed to get tired using them, so I\'m doing something wrong (probably another one of those ID-10-T things).

This is the first time I\'ve used them for any length of time. I\'m hoping a seasoned expert on them can give me some pointers. Myrna, anyone else??



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Guess I should of made my point a bit clearer. Put a scrap/practice piece on the end of your table (so you dont have to take off your quilt) and try using your regular handles without the stitch regulator on.

Im no EXPERT, just thought i\'d pop in and say what worked for me.

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If I am doing detailed work that is small...I don\'t use the SR (like Sheri)...the machine moves more smoothly without it on and your hand won\'t tire as easily. With a little practice your stitches will even out...I have my machine set anywhere from 10 to 13 in manual mode. The speed depends on how fast you are going to be moving the machine.


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I use my SR all the time and have no problem but I don\'t put my hands up on the round knobs. I too got really tired and my wrists hurt but I found that if I hook my thumbs around the knobs I have more control and my wrists don\'t get tired. I hope that description makes sense. If not let me know and I can get hubby to take a pic for you.

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Debbi, as Cheryl said above, its going to depend on how fast you move your machine. It seems as tho the 10 or sometimes just a tad under the 10 works for me, so I can take my time. Put on the practice piece, and just see what speed works for you, to enable you to get those pebbles like you like them.

I truely believe everyone is different when it comes to non stitch reg. mode, and speed.

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Turn your SR off when using you micro-drive. Put your Base Expander on, use you thumb and index fingers to guide the micro-drive and rest the other fingers on the quilt. The base will give you a firm place to rest them. This should make it a lot easier.


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