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March Maintenance Class

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Boy, what a great class. Thank you, Amy and APQS. If you get a chance to take this class, do so. Even though it was 7 degrees below zero (with wind chill factored in) the first night, the cold weather didn’t stop us.

I took my DH, John, with me. He understood the things I didn’t. We have owned a welding shop for 34 years. He mostly does farm equipment repair and fabrication. No job is too small. I’ve known him to weld up a bed frame for a lady too. Anyway, now I know what a bushing, shaft, and hook really are and I’m not afraid to try fixes. John followed along in the book and would point to the place I should be looking periodically all the while looking over his glasses with his big baby blues. He was so serious. My head would pop up when he would call Amy’s name asking her to take a look at what he was doing with the hands-on. Later on the plane I started laughing just thinking about it. We actually enjoyed just traveling together which we have not done much in the air…camping is our style. We were like two little kids, smiling and whispering. Still talking about the class. He only got frustrated with the GPS when it said “recalculating” because we took the wrong exit and I packed the suitcase too full. But you gotta love‘em. He even took me to a wonderful quilt shop in Omaha…we flew in and out of Omaha.

Anyway, loved the tour at the factory and got to try the new Millennium. Wow…nice. Our classmates were great too. We all had lunch together each day and learned a little about each other. One dear lady was visiting another from Egypt. When she returns to her homeland, APQS will send her new Lenni. She actually got to meet her Lenni before it was to be packed up for shipping. I believe this is a first for Egypt and APQS, too. Congratulations, Hanna.

So, what are you waiting for? Call and schedule your class time. It is so worth it.


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Oh Gayle, your husband sounds like a real honey. :) Lucky you!! Glad you two had a nice flight home and enjoyed your trip. That\'s cool about meeting everyone and a new friend from Egypt. I would love to take a maintenance class. Maybe when I go to Innovations in the fall I can do that. Enjoy your new longarm. I look forward to hearing about your quilting and seeing photos of your quilted projects. :)

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Hi Gayle, It sounds like you and your hubby had a great time. It\'s aways so neat to meet new people.

And Shana, you and I can take that class together!!! I always get a bit nervous when you all talk about hooks, shafts, grease and stuff. If I took the class, maybe I wouldn\'t be such a nervous nelly about it all.

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Shana, I\'m not new to this. I\'ve had my machine since 2004. Someday I\'ll get my webshot page going. This class is a two-day hands on class. The classes at shows are usually a couple of hours with no hands-on. However, any class can be great to help you become more familiar with your machine.

Happy quilting.

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Thanks for letting us know you loved the class. I\'m taking my class in April. I\'ve been trying to convince my DH to come to the class too. He blocked out the time to drive, but didn\'t plan to go. I didn\'t even think about just bringing him into the class. I\'ll have to work on that.


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I will also be taking the class in April. My husband is driving me as well, but will not be taking part in it. I am looking forward to taking this class so I won\'t be so afraid of my new millie. Normally mechanical things don\'t throw me. I think it\'s just that it is such an expensive machine. I\'m afraid I\'ll do something wrong and ruin it. See you there. Anybody else out there taking the class in April?


In St. Charles, MO

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If you have a husband going with you to Iowa do have him go in and sit in on the class. My husband took the class last year at this time and I sat in. I know he got way more out of it than I did. I am not the mechanical one in our household. The classes in Iowa are so worth the money.


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