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This question came up earlier under photo resizing. Scroll down half way if you do not need to resize your photo. There are directions for posting your avatar photo on this site.

Resizing photos:

Most of todays computers have a program called Paint. It

comes with Windows and you an find it by navigating to

Start - Programs - Accessories - Paint.

Inside Paint, use your mouse to left-click File - Open - and

locate your photo where it is stored on your computer.

Once the photo displays inside Paint, click Image - Attributes

to see the current size of your photo. Anything bigger than

640 x 480 (or thereabouts) is hard to view on a post. But

before you resize it, do a Save As to save the photo with a

different name, like Ohio-star-640x480.jpg. This way you

don\'t overwrite your original photo. As soon as you do

the \'save as\', the name at the top of the Paint window

changes so you\'ll know what image you are working on.

Now to make this new one smaller. Still in Paint, click Image -


The Stretch/Skew window opens. Notice the Stretch pane

shows 100% for horizontal and vertical. Change those 100\'s

to 25\'s. Click Ok.

Click Image - Attributes to see the new size of your photo.

Adjust, if necessary. Remember that the 640 x 480 is just a

guide. A little bigger or smaller is okay, too.

Click File - Save. You can upload this to the internet or to the forum.

Post the resized photo to the forum.

How to post an avatar

I pulled this out of the archives from way back but I think it still works even with the recent APQS changes.

Avatar max size is 100 x 100 pixels. You can resize it using any photo-manipulation software including Paint which is on every Windows computer. (See above procedure)

You asked how to post your picture (avatar) on APQS. Here is how I did it.

First, find a picture of yourself and resize it using any graphic software to be 100 x 100 pixels maximum. Then you have to put your picture on the web somewhere . Some folks have their own web-site and some put their avatar image on http://www.webshots.com, which is free if you don\'t mind the ads. You need the URL address of the picture (i.e.http:.//www.webshots.com/community/fred/myphoto.jpg)

so be sure to write it down or copy the link to your clipboard.

Once the photo is on the internet, go into the APQS forum (where you are reading this).

Make sure that you are logged in - upper right corner of APQS forum site will show "Logged in as [your name]"

Directly under the "Logged in", you\'ll see Control Panel - Options. Click it.

Click "Edit Profile" (2nd button from left).

You profile opens, scrolll down past Edit Profile - Optional, until you see Avatar URL .

Enter the URL address in the space for Avatar URL.

Click Edit Profile at the bottom of the page.

I think it happens right away

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