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Bad Weather

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One of our TV stations said that we had 7 tonados the other night. Whew...that is hard to dodge! They have confirmed that a tornado touched down, now everyone is blasting the National Weather Service for not sounding the tornado sirens. No sirens went off, everyone knows that because most people were awake due to the loud wind. Some people have said that slept through it, but no one knows how. Of course the NWS is saying that they don\'t have to sound the alarms for anyone inside their homes, we should all have weather alert radios. The sirens are just for people outside? Humm, that\'s a new one. Sounds to me like someone is trying to cover their own tracks.

For me the jury is still out on earthquakes. Since I have never experienced one, the thought scares me to death. I probably should get ready. The one that hit the New Madrid Fault a couple of weeks ago in Illinois, was felt in some parts of the Kanas City area. That is a huge fault and we have all been warned, when it ever gets going it is going to be a doosy.

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Mary Beth so glad you are alright. Please stay safe. One of my daughter\'s lives in Oklahoma and loves it when there are torandos. She goes outside to watch. Her favorite movie was Wizard of Oz so I think she is waiting for a ride:P

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I hate to say this out loud...but I love this weather too! We always watched the bad weather when I was a kid and it was just facinating. I have contacted the show "Twisted Sisters" to see if I could ride along sometime when they do thier storm chasing. DH would strip a gear if he knew I was even thinking about it:D I just think it would be so fun to be a storm chaser.

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Mary Beth,

My husband\'s family now lives in the Springfield - Aurora area. It is funny, they get the rough stuff all the time and never think to let us know how they fared. They just tell us they will let us know if someone gets hurt and not to worry about them... but last month when we had rough weather in the Atlanta area, EVERYONE of them called REPEATEDLY! They called us, my son, my daughter, and my dad...

I guess they think we don\'t know how to hide in the baement, so they worry about us... (by the way, NONE of them have baements, but we do!)


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Well, now I need to run downstairs and see if hubby is on the Storm Team this month. He\'s an adjuster with Cincinnati Insurance. If so, I\'ll come and visit ya MB!!!!!

Also, even if he\'s not on the storm team, we are close enough by, they might just ask him to go down for a week or two to help. I\'ll let ya know!

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That would be too much fun!! I knew he did that, but forgot about it. He would have plenty to keep him busy here for a while.

Independence, MO was hit some too. An Arby\'s was flattened. The only thing left were the booths, they were fine, sitting there like they were ready for someone to sit down, and the rest of the place looked like toothpicks.

Nini, your folks live pretty much in the line of fire. The bad weather seems to come right out of Oklahoma, right through or around Springfield. Usually it misses Springfield, but they have hit there before. We never had a basement, so I forget that we could go to the basement, and it ususally happens so fast that if there are no warning signals, who would know to go to the basement??

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