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Lib....stippling, meandering or whatever you want to call it isn\'t a set right or wrong...the object is to not paint yourself in a corner or cross over the lines (unless that\'s what you want) and to have fun with it.

There really isn\'t a right way or a wrong way to do it. Start where ever you want. I start generally on the left hand side and work the whole area in front of me and then roll to the next area. When doing small spaces...Again I start on the left most generally and just work that area...clip and move to the next one.

Have fun with it...don\'t get all stressed over something that really doesn\'t have any set rules....play and have fun.

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Bonnie is right...have fun. There are not set rules. Everyone thinks you are not suppose to cross the lines and on a meander you shouldn\'t...sometimes if my eyes are not seeing straight I accidently cross over - oops...that\'s it... go on. Don\'t stress over it, chances are you are the only one that knows. If it is very tiny stippling, someone (big, I mean really big) said that it is okay to cross the line. Who would know, it is so little you can\'t tell any way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi. I\'m new at this, but last week I did meandering on a baby quilt and in one little spot I had some stitching problems, so I decided to put my initials in it and boy, you can\'t tell there was ever a problem. From here on out, I think I will put my IH in all of my own quilts. Thot my kids would appreciate it when I\'m gone. Putting on the label the area to be found. This just happened out of the blue, but I like it. Yes. I know, I wouldn\'t put in a customers quilt, if that day ever come.

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