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I\'d like to have a website developed with basic information and some quilts to show various types of design. I\'ve been going crazy with the ebay tops and have quite a collection to resell that I\'ve long-armed for practice.

I\'d like some information on:

1. how did you find a website designer

2. what did a website cost to set up

3. what is the yearly maintainence if any

4. has having a website for your business made a difference in business

I am currently working fulltime, RN in a clinic, looking to make longarming my retirement business...wish I was retired now-I love this work, but couldn\'t make longarming what I can as a nurse. If I did a website now, would I get too busy too soon? I\'m about 8 years from retirement.

A wise woman told me that "When establishing prices, dont be afraid to set competitive prices. Prices a bit on the higher end will result in quilts from the serious quilter. You don\'t want to work on the quilts with bad seams, friendly (waves) and D cups."

Any thoughts? By the way, love all the positives on this website You guys would make lemons with lemonade!

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On your first question, I would check out the websites you like best, somewhere on the site is the name of the designer.... contact them...

Professionals can cost quite a lot. Average around $5000. Yep, that\'s $5000. What you need to think of is that this is your storefront. You virtually have no other overhead if you just have an online store. So, that\'s a bargain... you can find cheaper, however, that\'s what you\'ll get. Like I said, check out other websites, mark the ones you like, and have your potential web designer check them out and give you a quote. You\'ll want to have some pages that you will be able to change yourself. Learn how to do this, I\'m still waiting for my web designer (head of tech for an international finance co. aka: my son) to get that accomplished...

Also check the other sites to find the pricing for your longarming and stick to it. Average is $.015/in ete to $.035/in for custom. It can go up with extras.

You will need some form of advertisement to drive people to your website. A good designer will additonally help put all the words that describe what you do on the search engines. That alone is not enough. When I just did dolls, I advertised in Country Marketplace/Sampler ($500/mo 1/4 pg - 6 mo contract) I was averaging around $800/mo. I had my patterns in several catalogs too. Put your website on everything!

I haven\'t advertised for quite a while and that business has dropped off because of it. Visit the LQS with a sample of your work, and brochures/cards, maybe a coupon for $20/off first quilt. Mary Beth suggessted taking classes at the LQS and letting people know that way.

Good Luck, Holly hope I\'ve helped just a little!

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