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NQR -But really makes me cringe!!!!

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I was visiting with friends (outside the LQS) when three young men walked by and one was telling his buddies how he had to go & "take a sh**". Now after we rolled our eyes in disgust I asked my friends "Why would anyone would want to go & take one??? Would\'nt it be better if you left one??" We laughed but the look on their face was priceless!!It was as though they were actually thinking about my comment!!(I had\'nt realized they could hear me!! :o) Talking about this at dinner last nite (I know-not the best table conversation) I asked why people say they need to "Pee" I prefer "use the rest room" but I think I am the last--any way I said from now on I am going to say "I need to "R" or even "H" any letter would suffice!! LOL!!!


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Those young men may have been trying to disgust or embarrass you. When I was first married to my ex we lived on an all male college campus. Those men were downright nasty to me any time I dared to venture into what they perceived as their territory. It was like it was a contest to see how red they could make me flush. I am glad that you caused them to think.


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I spent the weekend with my DH\'s family...two nephews talk that way all the time. Personally I think they should have enough respect for women not to talk like that around them. I had time to just sit and talk with them and I told them that I realize they probably think I am a stick in the mud and can\'t have fun because I am always, always asking them not to talk like that. The youngest one, who is 21, said that he didn\'t think that at all and that he was glad that I take a stand and that I tell them. He thinks "that\'s cool".

I guess I\'m old school too, but I don\'t like it.

Another thing...all the kids last weekend were talking about how they talk to girls and I told them it was pitiful. They said the girls like it and want to be treated that way. Why are we brining our daughters up to think that way?? I guess it\'s just easier then trying to teach them to command respect.

Oops...there I am back on my soap box!! Sorry.

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When I get the opportunity in situations like that, I try to ask them who told them, or what have they heard, that makes them think it\'s good, social, pleasant, or "Big" to talk like that, that they have to cuss and talk filth to be ädult, and say that gutter talk and cussing only show the immaturity and inconsideration of the speaker.. it disgusts me. They sit there and use F*** all the time as a curse, then expect their "other" to be thrilled to go to bed with them? Give me some relief.


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I hate to hear people talk that way also. When I was at work in the jail, inmates couldn\'t speak without using the "F" word at least 3 times a sentence. "Dep., I need an ****ing roll of T.P. \'cuz I gotta take an ****ing s**t right ****ing now!", instead of "Dep., will you please give me a roll of T.P." "Sure, Here you are!"

Wow, that kind of language sure makes me want to jump up and help you RIGHT NOW! (or should I say, "Right ****ing now!) No, would be stooping to their level. I had much more fun using "big words" and confusing them! But then, maybe I shouldn\'t have play word wars with unarmed people.:P Sometimes you did have to stoop to their level to get their attention or for them to understand you mean business. But, that was a rare occasion. Don\'t get me wrong! I can out-cuss the best of them. 14 years of hearing and dealing with it teaches you a lot!:P Not that it\'s something to be proud of, anyway.;)

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