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Messy but creative!

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Who knew that creativity could be this messy? This is the big push week to finish my Hoffman Challenge quilt. You can probably tell that it has some leaves on it.

Even the cartoon fell down from being taped onto the window. ;) Guess it is ready to be rolled up and put away. But not yet! Two days more with new sticky tape! Promise, I'll get it done!

Mom wrote an email this morning giving me encouragement. ;) She's so sweet and knows that I need a bit of a push from time to time. :P Anyone else want to give me a push?


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Eat some chocolate for me too.

What is it you ask? I found this 2" square image of a thing in a magazine. Took a picture and blew it up to something larger than life. Drew a cartoon onto white paper by projecting the image with my latest acquisition, one of those power point projectors. It was free since it is the oldest and heaviest of what the company had. I don't mind at all.

Then I remembered my grandmother's favorite hobby and did an interpretation of that (part of it shown in the above photo) to add to the first image. The little hearts were cut from the peacock design on the Hoffman Challenge fabric.

Any guesses? I'm off to make more of something.


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