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Hi I just wanted to tell everyone my remodeling is really making progress now! I fired a former contractor and got a new one. My wood floors are now beautiful! When I got home from MQS it was a horrible site!

Then my bathrooms...side by side by the orginal builder.. got flooded. Somehow all the rain came right on in. While it was still raining here came the lightning and there went my office.

The really good news is I will get a whole new quilting/office area. This time my garage will really be a room. Instead of installing new garage door I have ordered a beautiful patio door!

Also, I'm still on my diet. It's rather easy when you leave your mind on another planet. I forget to eat! I have not weighed in but my clothes look like they belong to someone else now! WOOT! OH I am still not going to buy another scales.

It will take close to 2 more months though! The entire garage is to be gutted and redone. Many things have to be washed and other things are just gone. I'm already sick of laundry. If there is anyone that just doesn't have enough laundry...please quickly send me a shout! OH yes, lots is

beautiful cottons...that should be fun to wash!

OH yes this is my new laptop! I just got another computer! Unfortunately I keep hitting the pad that is the mouse and my typing gets messed up.

I lost most everything I had on my other computer. That part is driving me crazy. I have to go everywhere and say what is my password! Blah but I already like this computer!

Ok I'll go away now! I didn't mean to write a whole letter...I'm just so excited to be here. I have browsed quite a few times from library and friends computer where I got my password... but that's it!

Keep showing those photos..soon I can! bye bye

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Li'z, I'm sorry things have been such a mess for you.. doesn't make for a fun life at all! Tickled silly you have someone in there now that knows what they are doing and are making progress...

The loss.. and the chores to try to salvage are horrendous.. all I can say is I hurt for you, and am glad to have you back.


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Hello Liz2075, everytime I see a post from Indiana, I'm curious as to where in Indiana... I would like to find a long-arm person to talk to, just to ask questions and call if I run into a snag...

I've only quilted 2 large & several small quilts for myself & friends. Maybe someday will venture into a business, but right now, have parents who need my help. Mother has Alz. disease & dad soon to be 88... So most of my extra time is spent helping them. Oh, not to mention my husband & me will start a new home, closer to the parents, in the next couple of months..

Sounds like things are looking up Liz2075!!

Meemaw Marilyn

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Hi Liz and Marilyn!! Liz, glad to hear things are looking up for you!!! I also wonder about where in Indiana you are located. I live in Ohio, but almost on the Indiana border. Marilyn, I don't know where Elizabethtown is either. I am very close to the "middle" of Ohio on the border.... Does that make sense? :o You know, going north and south. Are you east of Indy? Indy is doable.... :)

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Hello I'm in Marion Indiana. Its just about halfway between Ft.Wayne and Indianapolis. I think i would be in the southern part of the top 1/3 of the state lol. and closer to the ohio border than Illinois.

I'm falling asleep here and its only 8:35 we have done so many things today. We are getting there! Ok I'm giving it up and going to go lay down for a few minutes...........HA Goodnight all!

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