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Discovery power problems

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Today I tried my new discovery for the first time. It worked fine for 3 inches then I broke the top thread. In re-threading the needle I realised I had forgotten to put the bulb back after attaching the front handles so turned the machine off to do that. I turned it back on and nothing happened, no sounds no lights on the top, no nothing. OK duff bulb I think. Power off, bulb out, try again. Nope still dead. I have now checked, the power lead, the wall socket and the machine fuse with a multimeter (handy being an ex-engineer) and they are all fine. Any idea what might be up with my machine?


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Hi Ferret

I don't really understand multi-meters and I know you tested the machine fuse with one , but I would take out the machine fuse and change it with the spare and see if this fixes the problem.

Did it blow the house fuses, if not I'd wiggle the power cord in the socket in the machine and check your surge protector.

Let us know how you get on.

Sue in Australia

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Sorry I wasn't clear. Everything else in the room is fine. I have checked the fuse in the machine (as well as the one in the power lead). I have checked the power lead I have checked the sockets. If I plug a lamp into the socket I am using for the machine it lights fine. The test meter agrees with my visual inspection of these items. Basically the machine has power going into it, and I would assume past the fuse.

I was wondering if there was any switch or knob I could have knocked on the machine that might cause it to behave in this way. I guess it would have to be a switch between the fuse and the motor?


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Hi Sue, you are the second person to mention the spare fuse, any idea where it is? My engineer thought it would be in the holder with the fuse but it isn't. What is more I can't see anyway of storing a spare there? I'd love to be able to swap it just to triple check but I can't. I tried to buy one but nowhere local had one.


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