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holidays are over!

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I guess my holidays are over. It was great to get away for a few days, but even better to be home again. Just got back late last night, and am checking out what has been going on for the last week. You gals have been pretty busy.

Of course while I was gone, I took my DM shopping, she is a quilter too! Her LQS has an amazing selection of fabrics. I took an extra suitcase for that purpose. I almost had to leave some of my clothes behind.LOL!

While I was visiting my DM. I remodeled her spare room into a sewing room for her. Painted, new floor, new curtains. Alot of work, but the fabric shopping was a great reward! I am glad to be home so I can have a rest!

DH has now mentioned that our family room sure could use a coat of paint!!! How can I do that and get back to quilting too!!!! I guess holidays really are over!

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Just got back from picking up the mail, a week's worth, and got two great surprises. First, a DVD, Pajama quilter, can't wait to watch it, and second, my SID rulers have finally arrived! The Best Stitch in the Ditch Ruler! set. I have two tops that I was waiting to try these on. What a great homecoming gift! Now if I could just talk DH into not eating today I could try them all out!!!LOL

Has anyone out there watched Pajama Quilter? I've heard only good things about it from Shana and took her advice to purchase it!

Also, any advice when using that SID ruler?

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Hi Kerry. If you watch the Pajama quilter DVD you will see what to do; she explains it all very well. Just PPP and have fun.

I don't have the Best SID ruler, but it has the notches on each end. You are supposed to line the notches up with the seam line and your hopping foot rests in between. Run the foot along that area, then stop and skooch the ruler to the next section and continue quilting. If you have SR, turn SR up to highest stitches per inch. Little tiny hops (stitches) make it easier to control your movement with the ruler. Put on your extended base, concentrate, place a light, even pressure on ruler with hand and fingertips; take it nice and slow. You'll be fine.

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