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Cross Hatching with Hartley Fence Question

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This is the first time I've used the Hartley for crosslhatching and it works beautifully--the only problem I have is that I can't see exactly where to stop from the back of the machine. I'm working from the outside of the border into the sashing. So I've been setting it up from the front--locking down Hartley, and then going back to the front. I tried stacking two pieces of blue tape along the sashing--bu that didn't help--and I tried changing the height of the table. Does anyone else have this problem? (Not that the exercise hurts me!!)

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Some people are tall and can look over across the frame and see where their needle is, but I'm not so tall (5'4") so I can't see as well.

So, I would stop the machine in SR mode with the needle "down" and (click the blue button once) it puts SR mode in a "holding" mode, then walk to the front of the machine, click the blue SR button again to take the SR out of holding mode, and guide the crosshatching to its ending point.

Another thought (I haven't done this) is to perhaps place some sort of mirror (magnifying?) on the frame near the needle so you can see where your ending point might be? (just a thought)

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Shana--It is good exercise isn't it!! I'll think about the mirror--that might be the trick--and, I had not heard of the "holding" mode--I'll be trying that. I was just stopping the machine with the needle down, walking to front and starting again--usually just one or two stitches--but that's a big difference!! Thanks for the input--I think the way we're doing must be "the way." So--all politics aside, are you excited about the Palin-McCain ticket? Has her leadership impacted your life in Alaska? Jane

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Originally posted by jebm

So--all politics aside, are you excited about the Palin-McCain ticket? Has her leadership impacted your life in Alaska? Jane

Well, personally, me, I am keeping an open mind about both Democrat and Republican sides of the election. I want to hear the debates and learn more about all of the candidates before I make a final decision who to vote for. I am still on the fence. So, the answer to your quesiton is YES! it is definitely exciting times for this United States and the World, too! All eyes are watching to see what pans out ... :cool: She's a no-fear go-getter. I am sure she will be raked over the coals about anything and everything that can be dreamt up over the next two months.

Getting back to quilting: Tell me if the mirror thing does the trick. I just "thought of it" as I was typing my response (my mind is always going... usually in circles...lol) :D

Sometimes when I use the Hartley fence in tricky situations, I set it up from the back end and then actually do the quilting from the front so I can see better.

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It seems like just about anything other than lines that must end at a certain point could be worked from the back--although I've only used the circle maker and always from the front. I will let you know about the mirror idea! I think it might be hard to stabilize it with the hopping foot just movin' along! Gov Palin has certainly energized the campaign! So many surprises this year!

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Myrna..I get all that--I just don't see how to do it from the back of the machine. Sewing from the outside edge of the border to the sashing...I can't see the edge of the sashing so I start from the back and finish in the front...move head back to outside of border, needle down, move to back of machine set fence, and then to front of machine to stitch to "finish" line, move machine to back of border, back to the back to set the fence...etc...etc. and yes, Myrna, you might remember, that exercise doesn't hurt me...I was just hoping there was something I was missing-some aha moment that would allow me to stay behind the machine and still hit that sashing ditch on the mark! Thanks!! Jane

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I actually have the lift and am 5'7" - I've tried every height! It's fine until I get right to the "ditch"--then the hopping foot hides it I guess--and I just know I'm going to go over the line! Thanks for everyone's input! I can't imagine doing this on a large quilt--which is waiting for me as soon as I get my eye back in order! Someone wants the entire quilt inside blocks and border etc...everything cross hatched because it looks old. I'll be the one looking old!! --or maybe thinner--there you go!! I have to say, it does look nice! Good practice on this small quilt--! ;) Jane

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