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NQR-Desperate for help Please read

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Sandy, I will pray for you and your Dad. Please keep an eye on the meds that they are giving him. Also do research on Prazosin for Alzheimer's. It is in it's second case study thru the University of Washington Alzheimer's Research Center. It looks very promising for patients to help with the combative stage and the days and nights mix up. It is an old med also known as Mini-press, a blood pressure medication so it doesn't have the foggy/non-existant side effects of the anti-psychotics or the dangerous outcome. The University is great to talk to and very helpful.

I will give this lawyer a call tomorrow and e-mail him tonight.

Thank you.

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My heart goes out to you and Sandy. I will remember you both in my prayers. I had some problems with my sister at one time in dealing with my Dad. She's OK now and we get along OK as long as she's not drinking.....that was most of the problem.

As a Eucharistic minister to a nursing home here in Akron, OH I can understand the decline of Alzheimer's patients. There are times I see a resident and they are totally "with it" I can go 2 days later and are not able to make any sense at all. This has to be heartbreaking to family.

The info you have been given here is excellent. My first thought was to seek help from and ombudsman in OH but the websites and contacts you have know will be your best bet for assistance. The nursing home is definitely putting themselves in a position for a lawsuit by holding to a POA that isn't legal.

I would be sure to notify the home's owner of that situation.

One suggestion, separate your writing into paragraphs so the reader can more easily foloow what you are saying. I realize you are upset and everything just spills out as you are writing.

Try not to feel guilty about taking some R&R for yourself no matter how brief. You and your family will greatly benefit.

May God be with you

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Please do not give up. I'm sure that your husband and children are behind you in this, along with your other siblings. Your actions are a good example to your children ans others who are observing your fight. Contacting your state rep was perfect, stay on that. If the POA is illegal that can cause the whole thing to crumble and fall in your favor. Do not give up on your Mom, this is not something she caused or has coming to her and she needs someone to help her. I don,t know that going the celebrity route would be at all productive, although Dr Phil might be ok. I'll see what I can find out in other directions.

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No, I am trying everything. It would be easier if she were in China or better yet an animal they have more rights. I have different agencies that are doing investigations but it isn't changing the fact that no one can go see her. The up side is that they aren't medicating her as much with the investigators there but what is going to happen when they leave.

Please keep praying.



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Sheryl, I also am praying. I don't know how I missed this thread when you first posted it other than I only am on a few min at a time. It just slipped thru my viewing. I'm so glad that you have found some help, now we pray that all this help will get going and truely help you mom. hugs to you.

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