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need ideas S&W variation

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Everyone here is always so creative with ideas, HELP! It is queen size (7 blocks wide x 9 rows) with the fan blocks alternating w/background blocks, sashing and cornerstones in the center. I traced the fan blocks and plan to mirror them in the alt blocks which will give the back an incredible giant flower but I am stumped as to: 1) the sashing/cornerstones & 2) the background outside the fans. The background fabric is tone on tone checks so my brains says crosshatching is out of the question. My MIL made the top and gives liberty to do whatever....I thought this one deserved custom. :oWhat do you think? :o


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That will be so pretty quilted!

I love the echo idea for the plain blocks. The background around the flowers--as boring as it may seem, would look good with a smallish plain stipple. That goes with the era of the design. If you would like more of a challenge, a medium fill with matching thread--flowers and leaves to mimic the flowers in the fans.

The sashing probably shouldn't be ornate or it will detract from the giant flower you are striving for. Maybe a line a quarter-inch in from the seams would be enough stitching to nail the sashing down. Or a simple cable--also matching the era of the top. Just my 2 cents an inch!

Please post the finished project--it is bound to be beautiful!

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A simple twisted ribbon up the fan blades gives kind of a 3-D look to the fans. I do a swirly McT outside the fans so it looks like air is moving. Maybe an alternating leaf in the sashing. Simple and wouldn't detract from the fans. I think the fact that it's a kaleidoscope pattern for the fans, it gives is a little more contemporary look vs. vintage. I love kaleidoscopes in any shape or form. I've made stars, fans, spinning stars, and spiderweb blocks. Anything from 4 piece to 8 peice or more. It's just so interesting to see how each one turns out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

here are 2 close-up pics of the quilt - hot off the frame. I decided to leave the sashing and only stitch the cornerstones. I got that giant flower on the back. Not quite show product but acceptable.

Thanks for all your ideas.

I'm back to piecing until DH has time to install my new SLR on my Voyager17 and I have 5 QOV's in waiting!

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