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Host The WWQ

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Karen McTavish and Sue Patten are now planning the next round of hosts!!!! If you are interested in hosting this wild team of quilters for hands on classes or lecture demo's at a location near you please email Jon Vorich at wildwomenquilters@yahoo.ca for info. New dates starting August 2009. If you are interested in taking classes watch the APQS site for updated info over the next two months. Remember to ask about the WWQ trunk show, Two Journeys to the same Destination! And we'll see you there...:cool:

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What does it take to host you guys. My husband and I have a lodge at Fort Peck Lake in Montana. Go to fortpecklake.com to check it out. How many do you usually have in your classes. We don't have many LA quilters in our area, but maybe some in Wyoming, North Dakota, Billings, & Bozeman would come? I, of course, would absolutely die to have you gals come. Anyway,check out our site and let me know if its something that work for you and if you would want to come out here to the sticks.


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The WILD WOMEN ROCK!! Sue and Karen are the best teachers ever and their trunk is hilarious and well worth the money! It's like getting two trunk shows at once! If they're not careful, they may be doing stand-up comedian soon.

Our students loved these two women! So much personality! 1, 2, 3 GO! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

Here's just a few of our student's comments who attend the WW classes last week,

"Joanne and Kelley,

What a fantastic week. I loved the two workshops I was able to attend and the Trunk Show was great. Thank you so much for hosting the event. I appreciate your efforts in making the classes happen. I have mind mush once again and have been trying to replay the classes over and over in my head. I had planned to practice, practice, practice, but jury duty has claimed my days, at least today and tomorrow. Thank you again for bringing Karen and Sue to your shop to share their talents. I have a long way to go. WOW! Sheri"

"Thanks so much for hosting the training. I wish I could have attended more classes. I thoroughly enjoyed it and appreciate the work you both did to prepare for this event. Thanks again." - Georgene

"We had an internationally known show for the same price we might have paid some semi-local sappy trunk show (Lots of folks are asking $300 up for just a trunk show at a meeting!!!) Thank you soooo much for giving us the opprtunity to host it!

Have fun @ the classes..I wish I was there! (He can you have the WILD WOMEN sign a spot on my Surrender Dorothy Fabric with a black sharpie or fabric marker) so it looks like part of the design???? If you get this before they leave, that is...Thanks!



These are just a few of the comments.

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If you get a chance to book or go to the Wild Women classes and/or trunk show, you should do it. The trunk show was mouth dropping and hilarious. The classes were terrific. And Sue and Karen are two of the nicest and most talented people you will ever meet.

Plus, if you host you get to be the hero of the week, like Joanne and Kelly were. You guys rock!

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