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Lost my best customer

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MB ........ sorry you lost your best customer .......... but at 78 / she does get a "way to go girl". In the end, you have been blessed with her great quilts & your great quilting. She may or may not be back with some of her quilts, but in the meantime, take time for you, allow the doors to open for new adventures & enjoy yourself.

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I will love to see this saga unfurl.

I do think she will find a machine is much harder than she thought and will take away from her piecing. Really, how much piecing do we get to do ourselves? The amount of hours we've invested in learning this craft. Has she already ordered her machine? Just curious how much test driving she did prior to the purchase.

This brings up another question to the dealers out there - When a perspective customer comes to you to purchase do you give much detail as to how much is involved with the purchase of one of these machines?

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She is not planning to quilt for customers, so I'm not worried about that part.

As for test driving, she did use a Gammill from a local machine quilter who taught classes so she could rent her machine out, but found that was way too much trouble because she worked full time and was away from home..yada, yada.

The question asked about dealers telling the customer how much work is involved....I bet that is smoothed over when the subject comes up because they are wanting to sell, sell, sell, not talk someone out of buying.

She has had this machine for about 2 months and has been practicing.

You are right, at her age, kudos to her. I am amazed that she gets around like she does and is so sharp. I love talking to her and spending time with her, she is a great person.

She may be back. She didn't like longarming before, so I don't know why she thinks she will now. She did mention that her granddaughter is so excited about this machine, maybe she will get into it and quilt my customer's quilts for her. Now there's a thought.

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