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NQR-house fire

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Our nearest neighbor, Rex, lost his house and everything in it Wednesday evening. Thankfully he was at the nursing home visiting his mom.

I went thru my stash thinking I had a preprinted top I could quilt up for him, but I guess I used my last one for my sister's neighbor's house fire last year. Don't remember where I got it (CRS today). I would appreciate sites that have these if you know of any. Thanks!!!

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OK I am now super curious what April decided to do to help her neighbor. Did you girls all have some ideas for her? :) Maybe you had some cheaters or spare quilt tops to give? I'm nosey. :P

April I am so sorry about your neighbor. I am sure that many around him will rise to the occasion to help him get through this. I can't imagine my little house burning down. What a terrible thing to happen.

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Both girls had something to offer for Rex and it's on it's way to my house now. Rex's longtime girlfriend and her teenage son were going to move in after school finished up, so at least they didn't lose all their stuff too. Rex is planning to rebuild, all that's left are the 85 yo rock walls and they are badly damaged. His garage and outbuildings are all safe and his horses, goats and dog. We are having a community fish fry today and I would imagine they will make their usual donation to help out also.

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