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Hey NW Moxie Ladies

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I had a thought. Since we already have the template loan program going I would like to list the templates I have for loan. Swirls,clam shell, baptist fan, 7 treasures of budah, whirlwind (R&S boards), bellflower, antique lace. Also swag hearts and swag stars boards. These are long boards. I have gingo and circles, stars and hearts. I also had another thought. How would you ladies feel about buying as a collective the accu quilt fabric cutter?. We could have it at all the meetings and make that a part of the fun. Cut out your quilt in minutes instead of hours. Just a thought. I really love our group and all the fun we have and if you are thinking about starting one I say go for it.



Washougal Wa

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Nora, Did I miss something? Is this a lending library for the Topper or the CL? I think the cutter idea would be fabulous. Sort of like a cooperative for food. You go girl. Let me know what all decides. I am new to this as I did not know about the lending. Inquiring minds want to know and all that.....;);););)


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What a great idea! I would love to know more. I think the lending library sounds great and the accu cut too!


Hey guys and gals, got a good report from doc, so maybe a little ahead of schedule on the foot, I am really hoping and praying that means I can get an earlier appt. for the leg reconstruction. Then I would be done and back to just healing!!!!

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This is an interesting idea for the Accu-cut, Nora. The logistics may be a draw-back, though.

Every eventuality needs to be addressed. (A recent posting about Kristina's Guild gift of money for a longarm comes to mind.)

If a small group of like-minded Moxies wanted to purchase the system, they could offer it for rent to the rest--available for a certain period in the renter's home. Then the purchasers could get paid back a bit or purchase new dies. That way, if someone in the group is not interested, they would not feel coerced or obligated to contribute.

Meeting only four times a year with 5 hour or less meetings seems like the time taken up by members cutting fabric would break up the meetings too much--as it is I feel like I never get to say more than a quick hello to everyone!

Let me know as this progresses--I would be very interested in being a part-owner, but purchasing as a group (the whole MMQG clan) would not be advisable IMHO.:o

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LINDA you are right on. I don't want to give up meeting time to cut fabric. Most of us live close enough to be able to share the Accu thingey as needed. I like the thought of renting it as I personally would not use it all the time.

I enjoy our meetings as they are. Would not want to change them IMHO I am with you!


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Hi all,

Like Linda, I feel logistics would be an issue. Using during meeting times would really not work for me. I so look forward to the learning opportunities at our meetings, networking, and just plain fun times, I wouldn't want to lose any of that time.

I love the idea of a lending library for the boards but again logistics is an issure for those of us who live outside the metro area.

Another consideration with the Accu-cut is what if something breaks, who is responsible? The pitfalls seem to be adding up in my thoughts.

Thank you, Nora for bringing this up for discussion it really opens up new ideas.

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I agree that the meeting should continue as we have done so far. As far as a lending library for boards, I think that we can put out a list if we want to lend or borrow, but as Linda R said, no pressure on anyone to participate if they don't want to. And as for the Accu Cutter, I'm going to have to think about that one for awhile. My first reaction is "don't go there" but I'm open to what others think on this topic too.

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