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NQR- Tree sprayer

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This has nothing to do with quilting but I thought since some of you live in rural areas I might be able to get some help here. I have a small orchard of about 50 fruit/nut trees. I grow fruit as a hobby. I do all the planting, pruning, spraying by myself. I have a 3.5 gallon sprayer but was looking for some thing with a larger capacity, better spraying distance, that I don't have to hook up to a tractor. I've seen pictures of sprayers on some sort of pull along cart and thought that might work but can't locate it now. My current sprayer sprays about 10-12 feet and some of my trees are larger than that. If any one knows of a decent sprayer or has experience with one I should avoid I'd love the info.


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I'll ask DH when he comes home tonight--I'll get back to you later.

We use a tractor pulling a humongous tank for the large orchards, and also a smaller tank to spray suckers and troublesome grass areas on back of a 4x4 Honda. Otherwise, I use the 3.5 gal backpack tank probably like the one you use.

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Is there a Tractor Supply center near you Dianne or a farm supply store of some kind....they have all kinds of spraying equipment all hand held or cart...if you don't let me know and I will go see what we have in our store...and report back to you.

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Bonnie in Oregon, Thank you for the links. The one at Nation Wide is along the lines of what I was thinking of. I think I'll contact them to see if they will send one to me, they're listed as wholesale and if they have one with a bigger capacity, the one listed is 5 gallon. I will look into Rears when I get off this site.I really appreciate your help. What kind of fruit do you have in your orchards?

Bonnie in New York, No I don't have a Tractor supply near me. I wish I did. I would be surprised if anyone around here carried anything like this. This area has really become surburbia. I have only spotted one other person in this area with fruit trees.

I posted this question because my poor trees have been attacked by something called Leaf Rollers, little green caterpillars that are starting to defoliate my trees. That's in addition to the tent caterpillars that I keep knocking down. I have been busy all week and between my work schedule and the rain we've been having I got behind in my spraying. I spent about 5-6 hours today spraying, refilling, spraying, refilling, dealing with a nozzle that wouldn't work right and a system that kept losing pressure that I decided that I need to find a better system. Since I have nothing near me, I thought who else better to ask than my nationwide friends! This is just the best site.

Susanne, What are you planning on growing? How many total trees are you planning on putting in? I don't know if you can grow peaches where you are but they are beautiful trees with lots of pink flowers when they are in bloom. They look kind of pretty too with the peaches on them.


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DH says to get a Rear's 100 gallon pak tank, put it in the back of a pickup and use that to drive around your orchard and spray. That's a bit much at one time since you won't be putting two gallons on one tree. His point was to get a bigger tank and not have to buy a tractor, and it would save wear and tear on you body.

He was full of helpful advice. I can't remember everything he talked about, but he also suggested contacting your local Home Extension office, local agricultural university, etc., ask for a list of local chemical dealers/applicators and ask what they use, or even hire them to do it for you. If you get much bigger, you'll need a tractor and other bigger equipment and it could cost a lot.

We grow hazelnuts mainly, but we do have a few apples and pears. The OBLR (oblique banded leaf roller) are not bothersome for us and if they do become a problem we use Simizin (sp?). The most important spraying for us is for Filbert Moth around the middle of July. They are the moths that lay eggs on the nuts and the worms burrow into the nut. That's bad bad bad.

Hope that helps.

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