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Bonnie B.

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I was looking / reading your blog ...where did you get that cool magnifying glass that is mounted on your machine? I am forever trying to hold a magnifying glass while I am trying to frog or bury a stitch.

Your red and white quilt is very pretty.

Thanks Starla

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Originally posted by Bekah

Bonnie what is that neat little round looking plexiglass thingy with the blue spot on it? curious minds want to know. it looks way cool

Silly Bekah...that is a close up of the Magnifying glass.....that Starla was asking about....I clamp it onto the front of my machine...the clamp actually is on the aluminum and the light bulb...doesn't clamp hard enough to hurt the bulb nor does it rattle off.

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Also went to your Blog this am and noted the B-12. I have had to give myself B-12 shots for over 20 years (every 2 weeks) due to severe pernicious anemia. No big deal, but do not forget your shots!!!! Follow the docs orders!!! It does make a difference.

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That's what I am hoping for...I was feeling whole lot run down...now we know why....so I had better cowboy up and just do it.:P

I also know its not a big deal doing the shots, but it is for me...since I ALWAYS thought vitamins were just a money pit and you really didn't need them as long as you ate a balanced meal.

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I had heard that it was someone from the forum, but I didn't figure out till now whom it was..... I wonder if they figured it out or not. It also had a gorgeous ribbon on it as well....congrats...it was a very beautiful quilt...

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More questions for yu Bonnie...As also a proud owner of an Ultimate 11...I guess I havent paid much attention..I didnt know you could change from the spoon shaped foot, and you have some kind of stitch regulator???? Telll lme about it...the pros and cons..is it easy to adapt to, both the mechanical of putting it on to using....What else have you added to update your baby??? I have to be gone all day so I hope I find this thread later today...thanks much for any input....diann

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