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Ethics and how far do you go to advise a customer??

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Shana....You are being to modest....EVERYONE knows its Alaska, then Texas, California and THEN MONTANA.

So see your heart is as big as Alaska. Those Texas boys will tell you anything...gees girl I would have thought you would have picked up on that by now.;)

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The quilt turned out beautifully in spite of your client! For my wayward clients...I have a miscellaneous line on my invoice showing charges of $25.00 an hour for things such as pressing, or squaring up a backing, or repairing seams, etc. I rarely charge for these services on the first offense, and I always offer a "Mulligan" to first time quilters that may not understand what is expected of them when they send me their quilts. If I do charge them--it's because they are the type of quilter who just doesn't give a fig about details like pressing, and cutting threads, etc. Since I am also judged by the quality of their quilt, I will make all effort to educate them first. However, most ofmy quilts come by mail--so it isn't realistic to send them back to expect the client to redo some small detail. Also, some quilters really don't care that much about details, and I have decided after many hundreds of quilts, that I am not going to care MORE about someone's quilt than they do!

Whenever I do charge for pressing etc., I include my FAQ information sheet with the quilt, so that there will not be any mis-understanding about what I expect from them, and what they can expect from me. (I would be happy to share that with you if you have an e-mail address.)

Finally, I would add that all of my 180+ customers have come to me by word of mouth or recommendation by one of 5 quilt shops, therefore, they have seen my work and presumably liked it, so it may be that I do less work educating my clients than if I advertised to the general public. But that's a whole 'nother topic.

Anyway, I think you handled it well and the quilt turned out fabulous, so hopefully, she will be4 back with something nicely pressed next time!

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Originally posted by Kageb1

.......Whenever I do charge for pressing etc., I include my FAQ information sheet with the quilt, so that there will not be any mis-understanding about what I expect from them, and what they can expect from me. (I would be happy to share that with you if you have an e-mail address.)

Dear Karen, Yes! I would be very interested in getting your FAQ info sheet. Thank you! emal is Shana@KL7AC.com or click the blue "e-mail" button directly underneath the bottom of this message.

PS: Melannie called me ...she got her quilt last night and she loves the quilt, and told me she left a little gift at the quilt shop for me to pick up. Aww...she's so sweet. She and I talked about the shadowing and correct way of pressing and how to add her bias binding and washing/blocking the quilt. She is very receptive to getting advice and wants to learn. Lots of us in the guild are taking her under our wings. I believe she has the right attitude about quilting (she loves it very much). I see lots of fabulous quilts coming from her in the future. :)

She made this quilt for her own personal use. She isn't putting this DWR quilt in any shows for judging (maybe her local fair which is a tiny tiny fair!).

Thanks, everyone.

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Shana, the quilt is beautiful. I can't see any shadowing in the photo. It might be something that judges would comment on, but most people want their quilts for daily use & will be ok with. I'd chalk it up to, "next time I'll make sure to add 'toward the dark' when asking to press seams" speal. It is so hard to make these judgements when quilting. That is the only stressful part of the job for me. Many of my customers live far away & I don't want to seem rude by including an instruction sheet in the box. Many of them I didn't even know that well. Now that I've decided to only quilt for a handful of customers, it makes it a lot easier, as they either don't care that much (family quilts), or they are far better than I would ever do, or I am given enough free reign in design & pricing to allow me to repress or whatever is needed.

This post reminds me how stressful it is to make that judgement. I'm glad it worked out for you.

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